Happy Nursing Week to all staff nurses!
We have a winner of our $500$ Nursing Week award/bursary promoted on social media during Nursing Week.
Meet Hannah Booth, nursing Student at Western University!
I'm going into my second year of the BScN program at Western University. In the upcoming school year, I will have a seat on the Arthur Labatt School of Nursing student council, as well as beginning a London chapter of Sending Sunshine - a project to send cards and letters to senior residents in long-term care facilities. I am the vice-president of events for Western's nail art club - though it is not health-care related, it speaks to my leadership abilities, positive outlook and the importance I place on self care for students. I am also involved in our Best Buddies club, Sick Kids club, and Students for Eating Disorder Awareness club. I also work at Victoria Hospital as an OR aide, which has really helped me to get my foot in the door of healthcare. I plan to put the $500 bursary towards taking more courses and furthering my nursing education, such as a mental health first aid certification course and more skills workshops through RNAO. There are so many more things I'd love to be involved in and courses I'd love to take, and this bursary would truly help me accomplish these goals!
Congrats, Hannah, from all at SNIG!
We also had a winner of our RNFOO bursary for Indigenous undergraduate students! Congratulations to Brittany Paquin from all at SNIG!
Elections are coming up! We definitely need to fill the Policy and Political Action and Social Media positions on our board. If you would like board experience we have a one hour meeting via Zoom each month and a planning meeting once a year in person in Kingston. This year's in-person planning meeting will take place July 16. Please email us if interested at staffnurseinterestgroup@gmail.com. You will be mentored into the role.
And don't forget to join SNIG and RetNIG for our annual general meeting (AGM) on Saturday, June 11 from 8:30-10:15 a.m. Our guest speaker, Askana Kavaliova-Moussi, certified music therapist and registered psychotherapist, will be presenting:
Music Therapy - Love Yourself, Love Music
Register here. https://myrnao.ca/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=1262
As this week comes to a close and Florence Nightingale celebrates another birthday we realize that these are trying times for staff nurses! With a pandemic that seems neverending, staff shortages, high food and gas prices, and lack of affordable housing it is hard to stay positive and put self care as a priority - but taking care of ourselves is the secret to being there for our families, friends and workplaces!
We thank you for all you are doing - and remember, you are making a difference!
From the executive at SNIG,
Stay safe, stay healthy and remember self care!