The executive of SNIG would like to present to you our theme for 2021-2022 SNIG Leads! The Nursing Journey Beyond the Pandemic! We know that these past months have been hard on all of our members! The issues of staff shortages, burnout, and nurses leaving the profession seem to dominate the news coverage and yet we see with vaccinations that our lives are returning very slowly to a new normal. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
SNIG is there for you promoting self-care so that you are able to care for the people who desperately need you, and for that we are truly thankful. Lean on those who love and care for you to give you the strength to carry on!
The executive of SNIG want to wish all a happy holiday season - enjoy your friends and families at this festive time! Stay safe and well. And Remember to take some ME time during all the hustle and bustle of the season!