Welcome SNIG Members!

Posted on Oct. 6, 2021, 8:22 p.m.

Welcome SNIG Members,

We would like to thank you for your membership whether new or returning!

Our executive will be having our Planning meeting on October 16th and will put in the hard work to give you an exciting year to look forward to. During this meeting we will  develop our theme for 2021-22. Stay tuned.

Check out our Facebook https://www.facebook.com/StaffNurseInterestGroup/  and Twitter https://twitter.com/home?lang=en-ca  and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/staffnurse2/   sites!   Please like and follow us, as we're delighted on how much we've grown.

Our SNIG website can be reached at   About Us | Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (rnao.ca). There you will find past webinars and more about our exciting group.

Our Chief scribe Paula Manuel writes a blog  www.lifeofanurse.com  full of thought, and inspiration on the practice and life experience of a nurse.

The opportunities to interact with you help us to know what issues are important to you.  Please write us at:


Perhaps You would like to join the executive!  Watch for our call out in June for social media, policy and political action ENO and student liaison. We will mentor all into the roles. A tremendous Leadership opportunity!

The healthcare system depends on Registered Nurses 24/7, to deliver knowledgeable, evidenced based compassionate care to our clients/patients. To do this effectively we also need knowledge, evidence and compassionate care for ourselves.  The Staff Nurse Interest Group purpose is to foster the health and well being of the Staff Nurse.

This year has again been difficult as COVID 19 keeps rearing its ugly head in our communities. Nurses are exhausted and facing burn out.  

Self-Care - Starts with YOU ensuring that YOUR needs are identified, prioritized, and acted on.  Your well-being is important, so that you can deliver the healthcare that our patients/clients deserve. Consider well -being, in the domains of your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.  This will enable you to be the nurse you want to work with!

We look forward to providing you an exciting year ahead!

SNIG Executive.