Nurses are becoming tired dealing with this pandemic, and stress levels at work and sometimes at home can become problematic. Home schooling, spouses working from home, becoming a sandwich generation caregiver, worrying about parents in LTC and being shunned by your neighbor just for being a nurse are just a few of the problems facing nursing today in these pandemic times!
Join SNIG in welcoming Rhonda Seidman Carlson who will be talking about :
Workplace Bullying - The Impact of a Pandemic
Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020 7 to 8 p.m. via Zoom
Register here : https://myrnao.ca/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=914
Anyone who has had the privilege to hear Rhonda speak knows it will be well worth attending.
Hope to see you there. Stay safe and healthy!
SNIG executive