Welcome to our SNIG members!
We would like to introduce you to our executive for 2020-2021 and give you a little of our backgrounds!
Lhamo Dolkar is the Chair of SNIG (2020-2021). Lhamo holds a BScN degree and works as a staff RN in the cardiovascular surgery unit at St. Michael’s Hospital. Lhamo has been a proud RNAO member since her student years. Lhamo’s nursing philosophy is based on caring for clients based on the client's needs in the context of culture and their environment. Lhamo strives to become a voice for the nursing profession and empower others to do the same.
Emily Bowness (Hinton) is the Membership ENO of SNIG (2020-2021). Emily holds a BScN degree and works as a RN at a nursing home in the Kingston area. Emily has been a member of RNAO since being a student. Emily likes to incorporate the knowledge and history of her clients to best care for them. Emily is passionate about mental health and hopes to use this passion in her current role of the Membership Officer.
Brenda Hutton is the Financial ENO for SNIG (2020-2021). She has been an active member of RNAO for 25 years. Brenda works in a mental health facility in London Ontario. Brenda philosophy if nursing involves working with clients as equals and being kind, empathetic and compassionate above all. Brenda balances work life with activities such as dancing, singing and theater.
Rachel Radyk is the Student Representative for SNIG (2020-2021). She is currently in her fourth year at Ontario Tech for the RPN to BScN bridge program. Rachel is a Registered Practical Nurse working in acute care, research and community settings. Rachel is passionate about being a leader and advocating for indigenous health. When she is finished nursing school, Rachel would like to be able to work within Indigenous communities delivering nursing care.
Una Ferguson is the Past Chair and Communications ENO for SNIG (2020-2021). She is an RN in a LTC facility in Ottawa and looking forward to retirement this coming Dec after 52 years in Nursing. A Long standing RNAO member she has served on the Board of Directors of RNAO as Regional Rep for Region 10 and as Interest Group Chair representative. She has always believed in the power of the Nursing Voice and that one Nurse can and does make a difference!
Sam Perikala is Communications ENO for SNIG (2020-2021) . He is an Internationally Educated Nurse holds Bsn,Mba In Hospital Administration, Masters in Physician Assistant, certificate in Critical care Nursing, Gerontology and pursuing Health care Leadership and Management at Niagara college. He is in a process of getting his RN License In Canada. He is working with March of Dimes at community services as SSA. His nursing philosophy is characterized by holistic, empathetic, and culturally sensitive care to all his patients and their relatives. He believes in four meta paradigms; person, environment, health, and nursing. He feels nursing as giving compassion and trying to understand human beings on all emotional, physical, and scientific levels. He feels a personal commitment to continuous learning through formal education and hands-on experience to better himself and my nursing knowledge. He advocates the change reforms in Long term care.
Manon Bélanger is Policy ENO for SNIG (2020-2021). She works at the Royal Ottawa Hospital in Ottawa and is interested in Mental Health and LTC. This is her first position at RNAO and she looks forward to the experience it brings.
We just held a successful Planning Day in Kingston!
We know that this year of the Covid Pandemic has been incredibly difficult for Staff Nurses as they try to juggle work, work life balance, and keeping their families and themselves safe . As an executive we have tried to incorporate this into our planning of events. We too have been affected and fully realize the challenges these times bring. It has not been easy for any of us.
Motivated executives, ideas for education, wellness for nurses, member engagement were some of the main focuses!
Please reach out to us if you have new ideas or initiatives that you would like SNIG to support! Look out for announcements, and new opportunities! We look forward to an exciting year!
Your Executive SNIG