CNS update - Free webinars of interest

Posted on Oct. 17, 2022, 1:29 p.m.

Hello CNS colleagues, 

We're writing to let you know about two upcoming webinars. Also, please see a friendly reminder and information on how to renew your membership in CNS.  

1. Educational session - Strengthening the role of Clinical Nurse Specialists

On Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 7:00 p.m. ET, Mary-Lou Martin, Past-President of CNS-Canada, will join us to make a presentation about a Canadian and American collaboration with clinical nurse specialists. She first made this presentation in August 2022 at a conference in Dublin, Ireland. The topic: “Strengthening the role of Clinical Nurse Specialists: A collaboration in North America.”

This presentation is free for members. If you would like to attend this presentation, send us an email at by Dec. 4, 2022. Please include in the subject line: Presentation Dec. 6

We will send you the zoom link on Dec. 5, 2022 (the day before the presentation.) 

2. Webinar – latest developments in the National Diabetes Strategy 

On Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. ET, join us for an evening with Joan King, Director, Government Relations with Diabetes Canada. Joan will bring us up to date on latest developments in the National Diabetes Strategy.

Email Lisa at for the webinar link or if you have any questions before the event.

Speaker bio
Joan King is a director of government affairs with Diabetes Canada. She has been involved in the organization's call to the federal government for a nation-wide strategy for the past five years and has been with the organization for 24 years. Joan works mostly on advocacy issues important to people affected by diabetes in the Western provinces and territories, including access issues and seeking commitments to embrace the Diabetes Framework and implement provincial and territorial strategies. She has also worked to expand eligibility to the disability tax credit (DTC) and other federal files.   


And lastly, a friendly reminder: now that November is fast approaching, why not renew your membership with CNS-Ontario?

We continue to offer the possibility of networking, educational sessions and session supporting each other (“colleague to colleague”). Also, we also share lots of information on our webpage and Facebook page.

$15 is one of the lowest fees in all the RNAO groups. Furthermore, we offer educational awards for members to attend conferences and other learning opportunities. For example, we will have many awards of $2,000 coming up in early January 2023.

To join or renew with CNS-ON, log in to your account through this link –



Paul-André Gauthier, Inf./RN, CNS; PhD (nursing)

President-elect and director of finance CNS-ON

Clinical Nurse Specialist Association of Ontario.   CNS-ON. 

Association des infirmières et infirmiers cliniciens spécialisés de l’Ontario.