Renew / Newsletter (looking for information) - Oct. 2020 CNS-ON

Posted on Oct. 28, 2020, 2:59 p.m.

Hello CNS Colleagues,

It is time to renew your membership with the CNS Association of Ontario (CNS-ON) and RNAO. Please check our facebook and webpage. Also, the CNS Association of Canada has a webpage and facebook that you can consult (  You will find more information about Covid-19. 

We are getting our next Newsletter ready. We are inviting you to send us a short article or information to be included.  Deadline is  November 12.  Send to:


Paul-André Gauthier, Inf./RN, CNS; PhD (nursing)

Past-President CNS-ON  &  Director of Finance.

Clinical Nurse Specialist Association of Ontario.   CNS-ON. 

Association des infirmières et infirmiers cliniciens spécialisés de l’Ontario.  &


Previous messages to members are archived :

formation about Covid-19.

Newsletter: we are preparing our next CNS's Newsletter, we are inviting you to send us a short article or information to be shared with members.  Deadline : November 12