Read the latest CNS-C newsletter online

Posted on July 23, 2020, 5:16 p.m.

Hi everyone,

Our national association, CNS-C, has been working on many newsletters since COVID-19 began changing our life in March. We are planning another Zoom meeting for CNS-ON and CNS-C members in August. Please stay tuned. 

Please read the latest CNS-C newsletter (11th edition) online. 

If you are interested in getting more information regarding COVID-19 and CNS-C, please see the links below. 


Paul-André Gauthier, Inf./RN, CNS; PhD (nursing)

National Treasurer & Membership Coordinator

Clinical Nurse Specialist Association of Canada (CNS-C)

Association des infirmières et infirmiers cliniciens spécialisés du Canada (ICS-C)



CNS-Canada – Karelo, link to become a member for 2020:

ICS-Canada – Karelo, lien pour devenir membre en 2020: