About CNS-ON.

CNS Week
See the link to register on the Conference and meeting 2024- section

Cost of interest group: $15

Please note:  if you "login" to "MyRNAO", you will have access to way more information about us - CNS-ON  [ click on HOME first and then login ]. 

Website: https://chapters-igs.rnao.ca/interestgroup/6/about     http://cns-ontario.rnao.ca

Facebook: Like us!


Twitter: https://twitter.com/cns_ontario/status/1519437359045124096?s=21&t=oWhFFkS0NkwwYp4zlgvh2g

CNS-ON Survey - before June 15, 2024

please complete:  here


call for election - April-May 2024

CNS-ON "roles/ functions"  on the Executive —>   here


National Nursing Week  - May 6-12, 2024 

 English here    En français  ici


By renewing your membership….

click here to renew or to join RNAO / CNS-ON


The Clinical Nurse Specialist Association supports CNS practice in Ontario. We provide networking opportunities and educational programming for members.

Among the goals of the association is the clarification and promotion of the role of CNS within the nursing profession and among other health-care professionals, health-care employers, consumers and policy makers.

The Clinical Nurse Specialist Association of Ontario supports the publication of research and coordinates regional activities. Membership benefits include: educational initiatives, a newsletter addressing such issues as group updates, joint activities with RNAO, unionization, conference notices and calls for abstracts and masters/doctoral program descriptions.

Membership is open to practicing members, those who are RNAO members and are currently in an advanced nursing practice role, and Affiliate members, those who are RNAO members and have a commitment to advanced nursing practice.

We work in collaboration with the CNS Association of Canada. 

For more information, please contact:

CNS-ON President: Paul-André Gauthier, RN, CNS; PhD (nursing)

Executive Network Officers (ENO): 2023-2025

  • Director of Finance: Rashmy Lobo.
  • Director of Policy and Political Action: Jennifer Anderson
  • Director of Communication & Secretary: Kadeen Briscoe
  • Director of Membership & Services: Emily Fung
  • Director of Research & Education:  Elsabeth Jensen
  • ENO Workplace Liaison: Robin Coatsworth Puspoky.
  • ENO Social Media: Team.  Paul-André G. & Laura F. 
  • Graduate Nursing Student Representative: Laura Freeman.

CNS-ON Executive list for 2023-2025

Our Website: http://cns-ontario.rnao.ca  here 

To become a CNS-ON member: If you are already an RNAO member and wish to add the Clinical Nurse Specialist Association of Ontario to your membership, please contact RNAO at 1-800-268-7199 (toll-free) or 416-599-1925.

Our Facebook: www.facebook.com/Clinical-Nurse-Specialists-Association-of-Ontario-Canada-113210988761198/


Twitter: https://twitter.com/cns_ontario/status/1519437359045124096?s=21&t=oWhFFkS0NkwwYp4zlgvh2g


We hosted our Annual General Meeting:

  • Saturday, June 10, 2023.


Latest Newsletter in 2024   here.

We need your input,

--> Next one - we need your input  by March 1, 2024

--> Do not hesitate to send us info for the following one.

Send us a little note or article to: cnsontario1@gmail.com 


More Awards for 2024   here 

(see the PDF document for more details).


Latest Members' Voice in 2024  report- here.


FYI: Resolutions CNS: 

the CNS Resolution - April 2018.  In Ontario here 

Same in June 2018  -CNA resolution here  &  Français



Bylaws (approved on April 13th, 2019)

- Bylaws were approved  (new version). 

- Role of Executive members (document). 


CNS Association of Canada /  Association des ICS du Canada.

You need to become a member... 

Membership link on Karelo- here  (2024).

Website :  www.cns-c-canada.ca    here

CNS-C Facebook.


The Canadian Nurses’ Association  for the 150th anniversary of Confederation:

Both Elsabeth Jensen and Paul-André Gauthier have been recognized by CNA:




The Past-President (PG) of CNS-ON has his CNS profile on the CNA-AIIC website... among 6 CNS representing Canada (2016).


A power point about the CNS-ON (in PDF format).

Novice to Expert.... various levels   here


Clinical Nurse Specialist Association of Canada

Communiqué  in English and in French - of March 29, 2016.

Website:  http://cns-c-canada.ca/ 


Poster Dec 7

Dec 7, 2023