Queen’s Park Day occurs in mid-February at the provincial legislature in Toronto, Ontario. Students have the opportunity to tour the provincial legislature, engage with politicians about issues concerning health, health care and nursing, and attend Question Period.
Queen's Park Day is: February 27-28, 2025.
Registration is currently closed.

Testimonies from students who have participated in Queen's Park Day:
Student Experience: Emma Woodside
“Attending Queen’s Park Day with the RNAO was an incredible opportunity to meet nurse leaders and engage with MPPs directly. All of the nurses and nursing students that participated were provided with information about the health issues being focused on, which was supported by research. This really enhanced my own learning and understanding of health issues that we were advocating for as well as provided me with confidence as to what to speak about with the MPPs. I found that all of the nurses, nursing students, and MPPs were very welcoming and collaborative. We were also given a tour of the Legislative Assembly and observed Question Period. Queen’s Park Day also included presentations from various political parties as well as a guest speaker on street nursing and homelessness. Additionally, I found participating in this event gave me excellent opportunities to engage with experienced nurses who had lots of advice and experience to share. I’d highly recommend attending RNAO Queen’s Park Day as it is an excellent way to experience advocacy and political engagement in the nursing profession.”
Student Experience: Board of Directors Placement and Queen's Park Day by Nicole Forestor
“Hi, I'm Nicole! I'm the Western RNAO Rep and I attended the February Student Board of Directors Placement in 2018! As part of the placement I got to spend a day at RNAO head office, meet the Director of the RNAO Doris Grinspun (which was so inspiring), go to Queen's Park day and talk with MPPs before the provincial election, attend assembly day, and sit in on the RNAO Board of Directors meeting. Those 4 days were packed and amazing! I would highly recommend applying not only for the experience but for the resume boost.”
Student Experience: Board of Directors Placement and Queen's Park Day by Arani Baskaran
“Getting involved with the RNAO was a decision I don't regret! I've been a member since first year, and I have taken part in some of opportunities that are offered to students such as the Student Board of Directors placement and Queens Park Day. The SBOD placement provides a behind the scenes look of the work RNAO does, like creating the best practice guidelines, and platforms for healthy public policies. It was also a pleasure to take part in Queens Park Day, where we met up with our local MPPs at the Ontario's Legislature to share stories and advocate for changes we would like to see our provincal government make. It gave me insight on how nurses can be political and influence policy. There are many more opportunities for students, so to get involved the first step would be to get your RNAO membership!”