The Board of Directors Student Placement

The Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) holds triannual Board of Directors (BOD) Placements.  

This placement offers nursing students an opportunity to learn about and gain first-hand insight into RNAO, its initiatives and the issues that have an impact on nursing, health and health care.

We are excited invite all nursing students join us at our upcoming BOD Student Placement

Queen's Park Day BOD Student Placement
February 26 - March 1, 2025
Registration is now closed.

Next BOD Student Placement (AGM)
May 28 - May 31, 2025
Stay tuned for registration info.

For more information, please contact membership with the subject  "BOD Student Placement 2025."

The Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario Board of Directors consists of a president, regional representatives, chapter and interest group representatives, a student representative, and a public representative. The Board of Directors meets three times annually during the spring, fall, and winter.

The goal of the Board of Directors’ Student Placement is to expose nursing students to RNAO’s operations, initiatives and strategic direction and critical issues that impact nursing, health and health care.

Here are what some of the past student participants have had to say about this opportunity:

Susan Hu
Western University Nursing Student

"The BOD student placement was an incredible experience for me to gain more insight into the initiatives and operations of RNAO. My favourite part was meeting and connecting with the amazing individuals at the forefront of addressing critical issues that impact nursing and healthcare. Furthermore, by attending this event, I had the chance to witness the overwhelming support within the nursing community and the powerful impact we have on helping advocate for the health of Ontarians."

Juliann Gueli
Toronto Metropolitan University, Post-Diploma Degree Program Nursing Student

"During my experience at the RNAO BOD student placement, I had the pleasure of meeting other nursing students from various schools. I mainly enjoyed meeting the BOD region representatives as well as immediate past president, Carol Timmings, the current president, Angela Cooper-Brathwaite, and the vivacious chief executive officer, Doris Grinspun. The most crucial informative piece from attending this meeting was understanding how nurses can advocate in raising public awareness of current health issues; there is a dire need for government involvement in policy change to enhance optimal health for Ontarians."

Gillian Lam
Toronto Metropolitan University, Nursing Student

"I had an amazing experience at the RNAO BOD student placement. Through this placement I was able to witness nursing leaders collaborate to address issues in the healthcare system. I was also able to gain a much better understanding of RNAO as an organization and the benefits of being a member of RNAO. I am grateful for this opportunity to discuss with experienced nurses about their work and careers. By talking and networking with nurses, staff members and other nursing students, I felt more inspired and motivated to grow as a nurse. With this learning experience, I felt that I was able to adopt a broader perspective of nursing and understand how advocacy is a nursing responsibility."