2nd Call For Nominations - Middlesex-Elgin Chapter

Posted on July 29, 2022, 9:22 a.m.

Dear Middlesex-Elgin Chapter member,

Do you enjoy speaking out for nurses, health, and health care? We are still looking for members to join the Middlesex-Elgin Chapter.

Nominations are still being accepted for the following 1 and 2 year term positions:

1-Year Term
Membership ENO 

2-Year Term
Social Media ENO 

Submit your nomination and find position description HERE.

Nominations close on August 11th, 2022 at noon.

If nominees have questions contact Janet Hunt at middlesexelgin.rnao@gmail.com. PLEASE USE SUBJECT LINE: Middlesex-Elgin Chapter Elections.

Candidates must be members in good standing with RNAO and Region 2 - Middlesex-Elgin Chapter, and agree to serve for the term elected, unless otherwise noted.

Middlesex-Elgin Chapter Executives