Happy Nursing Week from CTNIG!
Thank you for all your work serving people and making positive changes across Ontario!
We are so proud to be in community with you!
We want to hear about what CT means to you.
This might be how you practice CT, as part of your nursing practice experiences, or using CT to nurture your personal wellness. It might even be about your journey of learning and exploring CT. How is CT impacting your life? We want to hear about it.
We are looking for a short write-up (min. 200 words, max. 500 words) to describe what CT means to you.
Please have your submission in by 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday, May 12, to be considered for the draw.
The first prize winner will be awarded a free RNAO membership and the second prize winner will receive a free membership to join the CTNIG.
You can submit your contest entry via this link: https://forms.gle/vH8J7FmiabTSKWGx9
We hope you can take the time to celebrate the important work you do and the positive impact you have on those you care for. As an extra thank you, please find a book chapter, 11 Pearls of Wisdom, from one of our excellent guest speakers this past year, Sherry Brouzes.
Keep shining!
From Jessica, CTNIG President and your CTNIG Executive Team
P.S. Again, here is the link to the online form for the draw: