New 2018/2019 executive and save the date Sept. 19 - chapter AGM

Posted on Aug. 16, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

To the membership of the Middlesex Elgin chapter of RNAO,

Earlier this summer a request for nominees for positions on the executive committee for this chapter was sent out. Thank you to all who put their names forward for consideration.

Below are the names of the executive nursing officers (ENO) for Middlesex Elgin Chapter for 2018 – 2019:

  • president: Janet Hunt
  • membership ENO: Jennifer Bilbie
  • communications ENO: Jessica Lachance
  • policy and political action ENO: Sara Calvert
  • social media ENO: Joey Lawson
  • workplace liaison ENO: Molyka Kong
  • student liaison ENO’s: Nicole Forster & Victoria Gey (nursing student council representatives) and Kaitlin Green
  • finance ENO: Christine Liu

A special thank you to those who have completed their terms of office with the executive:

  • Jennifer Black, former president
  • Sukhi Brar, former workplace liaison ENO
  • Alex Vincent, former membership ENO
  • Emma Woodside, former student liaison, now president of the Nursing Students Association!

We wish you all the best in the future and thank you for the contributions you have made to this chapter and it’s members.

I look forward to introducing you to each of the new executive officers at our annual general meeting and long service award ceremony on Wednesday, Sept. 19  at Palasad South (141 Pine Valley Blvd).  You will receive more details about this event in the next few days.
