All Candidates Healthcare Debate

Posted on Sept. 5, 2021, 5:37 p.m.

Dear Middlesex-Elgin Member,

    Leading up to the federal election on September 20th, the Middlesex-Elgin Chapter have teamed up with the Ontario Health Coalition and the London Chapter of the Council of Canadians to bring to you an all candidates healthcare debate. All candidates from London’s four ridings have been invited to discuss their party's views on various healthcare issues facing Ontario.

    The debate will be moderated by Dr. Faisal Rehman, former University Hospital Chief of Medicine and distinguished Western University professor and researcher. Candidates will be given time to summarize their party’s views and answer questions posed by the sponsoring organizations.

    The event will be held virtually via zoom livestream on Monday, September 13th from 6:30 p.m to 9:30 p.m. To register to view the debate, click the link below:

    If you have any questions about the event, reach out to the Middlesex-Elgin RNAO Chapter via our social media pages or at, or visit our Facebook event page at the following link

    Hope to see you there!