Opportunity to volunteer with Middlesex Elgin - Consultation Representative

Posted on March 24, 2021, 8:23 p.m.

Dear Middlesex Elgin Members,

Have you ever considered your role in determining the work of our Association?

If you are interested in helping to chart the agenda of RNAO work you should consider volunteering to be a Consultation Representative (CR) for Middlesex-Elgin.

A consultation representative is one of a team of RNAO members that weigh in on discussion surrounding the resolutions submitted to the annual general meeting of our association. 

This year Middlesex-Elgin Chapter is eligible to register 11 members as Consultation Representative for the virtual AGM taking place on Friday, June 25th 2021 (4-7pm). Please consider volunteering for this awesome role

How to register as a consultation representative:
Registration as a consultation representative is on a first come, first serve basis by using this link: https://myrnao.ca/2021consultationreps 

Registering Alternates:

If registration as a consultation representative is full, additional chapter members may register as an alternate. Chapters are welcome to register as many eligible alternates as they wish. Alternates should be ready to step in when a consultation representative is unable to perform their required duties. Chapter presidents will be responsible for selecting alternates for consultation representative substitution. 

The deadline to register is Monday, April 26, 2021. 

The registration link can only be accessed if there are available spaces in your chapter or region and if the member is a member in good standing for the area in which they are representing. 

If you have questions regarding this opportunity please send your questions to middlesexelgin.rnao@gmail.com 

If there are any issues registering please contact Ifrah Ali at  iali@rnao.ca.

We look forward to working with you

Middlesex-Elgin Executive