2020 Consultative Representatives for Middlesex Elgin Chapter

Posted on Jan. 24, 2020, 8:51 p.m.

Dear Chapter Member,


The RNAO Annual General Meeting is scheduled to take place on Friday June 12, 2020 at the Toronto Hilton Hotel. Middlesex Elgin Chapter is eligible to send 10 consultation representatives to the AGM this year. Please read the following information about this position and consider applying. If you have questions please contact your Chapter president, Janet Hunt, at jhunt@rnao.ca . The deadline for registering as a consultative representative is April 6th, 2020


As a consultation representative, you will weigh in on resolutions submitted by members that will help shape the association’s agenda. Consultation Representatives are reimbursed shared accommodations and travel to attend the AGM (see reimbursement guidelines). The AGM is your chance to see your association at work for you and is a great place to meet your nursing colleagues from across the province.


How to register as a consultation representative

Registration as a consultation representative is on a first come, first serve basis by using this link: https://myrnao.ca/2020crregistration 

All mandatory requirements for Consultation Representatives are outlined on the registration form and in the attached guidelines. Kindly ensure you fully understand and agree to the requirements before submission.  

We also hope that if you put your name forward as a Consultative Representative for Middlesex-Elgin, that you will be able to join a Chapter meeting (either in person or electronically) to be scheduled before the AGM with a purpose of discussion about the proposed resolutions.

If registration as a consultation representative is full, you can also register as an alternate. Please note that alternates are not reimbursed unless they are required to act as a consultation representative.  The registration link can only be accessed if there are available spaces for your group and if the member is a member in good standing for the area in which they are representing. 


The deadline to register is Monday April 6, 2020.


Thank you for your consideration of this request. I look forward to seeing some of you in June


Janet Hunt

Middlesex-Elgin Chapter President