Welcome to Sudbury & District Chapter

Please note:  if you "login" to "MyRNAO", you will have access to way more information about us - RNAO Sudbury [ click on HOME first and then login ]. 


Nursing Week Dinner (Tuesday, May 7, 2024)

Register and you can attend with all the other nurses on the Greater Sudbury area.

see details on our bilingual Poster -  here-ici

Circulate to all nurses . 

Registration is mandatory (to order the quantity of food). Deadline: May 3- 2024


call for election - April-May 2024

  • Check your email, we are seeking Executive Members.


Video interviews -  January 26, 2024

RNAO Sudbury & District had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Claudette Holloway, RN and other members of the RNAO Sudbury & District Executive at Public Health Sudbury & Districts to talk about the pending closure of Greater Sudbury's safe consumption site on January 26, 2024. This is a video that covers the full media scrum that happened following the events of the day. Thank you to our community partners and everyone we met with that day. Please, watch the video and then go to www.savethespot.ca to learn how you can help.

Feel free to ask questions in the comments below and I will do my best to answer them as I have the opportunity.



Sign the Petition  Now -- April 2024

Lease sign if you support "safe comsumption site and services " in Greater Sudbury.  

  • See more details on the following link:    here


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National Nursing Week  - May 6-12, 2024 

 English here    En français  ici


Check our Meeting- section:

  • Nursing Week Dinner:  Friday, May 3, 2024.   details to come later.
  • Next General meeting  : Wednesday, June 5,  2024 - by Zoom.


Chapter executive: 2023-2024 - 

President (ENO): Michael Roach

Past President : Debra Anderson

Financial officer (ENO): Allyson Norton

Policy and Political action (ENO) : Maria Casas

Secretary: vacant.

Social Media (ENO) : Paul-André Gauthier

Membership (ENO) : Sarah Slack

Communications officer (ENO) : Neil Stephen

Workplace Liaison (ENO) : Chantal Séguin

Student Liaison : Kayla Guse.


You can contact us by sending us an email to  RNAOsudbury@gmail.com

  • Executive for 2022-2023 here
  • Activity list 2021-2022 
  • RNAO Chapter Award 2020- Sudbury - here

RNAO Regional Representative - Region 11: Maxime Lesage


    Follow us on Facebook: Facebook

    last updated: June 27, 2023