GNAO May 2018 Update - Conference Recap and Upcoming Chapter Events

Posted on May 8, 2018, 6:42 p.m.


Hello GNAO Members!


Happy Spring! We want to start by saying Happy Nurses Week to all our gerontological nurses! We are constantly inspired and proud of the diverse and compassionate care and work that you do on a day-to-day basis. Your passion for older adults and their families/communities, and your commitment to lifelong learning through your GNAO membership is admirable.

In this email, you will find:
  1. GNAO 2018 Conference Recap

  2. Upcoming GNAO Chapter Events

    1. Greater Toronto Area

    2. Hamilton and Greater Area

  3. GNAO Chapter Newsletters

    1. Northwest GNA Newsletter

  4. Upcoming Events by Affiliates and Partners





We want to thank all of you who came out to our GNAO 2018 Biennial Conference. The theme was "It Takes a Village." We welcomed several exhibitors and sponsors, as well as over 70 attendees from all different disciplines. We are so pleased to have also showcased some of the research and great clinical and evidence-based work that is being done by gerontological nurses across the province. Our speakers were dynamic and invoked thought-provoking discussions among participants. We will highlight more about the conference in our upcoming newsletter, so be sure to follow us on our website and social media to stay up to date!


Lastly, we want to welcome Therese Lim who has come on as the new GNAO President as of April 2018. We want to thank Julie Rubel for her amazing advocacy, leadership, and passion during her term as GNAO President. She has done a truly incredible job at leading our organization forward - she truly exemplifies a passionate gerontological nurse. We are excited to have Therese Lim join us in our journey and to have Julie support the executive board as Past President.





Greater Toronto Area


The GTA GNA Chapter will be holding their dinner and education meeting on May 10th, 2018.


The topic will be on Medical Marijuana. Please join us on May 10th at 6:00 PM for dinner, networking and an engaging discussion and update on the use of medical marijuana.


The location will be at 25 Old York Mills Rd., at the Agricola Lutheran Chruch in Toronto. It is near the York Mills subway station. Parking is available at the church yard.


Registration for members is $25 and $30 for non-members.


Please email Dawn Morton if you have any questions about registration (


Greater Hamilton and Area


Hamilton and Greater Area are pleased to have Dr. Jenny Ploeg and Dr. Maureen Markle-Reid on Thursday May 31st discuss their insights and findings on Patient and Caregiver Engagement from McMaster University Aging, Community and Health Research Unit. The theme of the discussion is Promoting Optimal Aging at Home for Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions.


The event will take place in the Fortinos Community Room (1579 Main Street West) on May 31st from 7:00-8:30PM.


Please see the attached flyer for more information. To register please email Natalie Frixione at Students can attend for free!


Northwest GNA Newsletter


The Northwest GNA chapter is pleased to release their most recent newsletter. In this newsletter, you will find upcoming events, resources and upcoming news related to gerontological nursing. Please check it out in the attachments, or click here to access the newsletter.





CGNA Call for Abstracts


The Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association and the Alberta Gerontological Nurses Association are excited to announce the Call for Abstracts for CGNA2019, the 20th Biennial Conference of the CGNA, taking place May 2-4, 2019 in beautiful Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


Abstracts are due October 1, 2018 - submit your abstracts at


The CGNA biennial conference is the only event of its kind that focuses on all facets of education, practice and research in the care of older adults.


With an increasing aging population, it is critical that gerontological nurses remain engaged with the latest developments in research and practice in the field.


The CGNA conference is a key educational and networking event for nurses, students, educators, policy makers, administrators and all others in the field of gerontological nursing.


Visit the CGNA2019 website to submit your abstracts and learn more about the conference, including the conference program, speakers, venue, and hotel and travel discounts.

Sinai Health System & University Health Network Geriatrics Institute


We are excited to announce that our 2018 SHS/UHN Geriatrics Institute will take place on Thursday, June 21, 2018 in the Auditorium of the Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences located on 222 St. Patrick Street, Toronto, ON.

This year, we will follow our Geriatric Guardians of the Galaxy. Join us as we discover how to support an older Star-Lord and his fellow guardians navigate the continuum of care!


The topics will include:

  1. Fraud and Older Adults
  2. BPSD in the Community
  3. Devices for Ageing in Place
  4. Older LGBTQ+ Health
  5. Violence in Long-Term Care
  6. Optimizing Care Transitions
  7. Oral Health and Older Adults

For more information, please visit



Thank you for your ongoing commitment to gerontological nursing!


Therese Lim (President); Julie Rubel (Past President); Annie Lam (Communications Director)



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