Dear CTNIG members,
At the Complementary Therapies Nurses' Interest Group (CTNIG) we are focused on connecting, healing and care. Each member of CTNIG is working in different communities in support of our vision to have complementary therapies recognized, incorporated, and integrated into nursing and health care in Ontario.
The CTNIG Members’ Voices Report is one way for you to share some of the work you are doing in your community. We invite you to share your engagement activities, media communication, political action, courses, and complementary therapies practices.
Highlight your activities focused on complementary therapies or other emerging issues that impact on nurses for the February 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020 reporting period:
- Activities you participated in to engage with registered nurses and nursing students to stimulate membership and promote the value of belonging to RNAO (Example: CTNIG or RNAO activities where you engaged RNs and students (recruitment, retention, workshops, meetings, newsletters, or other communications)
- Actions to advances the role and image of nurses as members of a vital, knowledge-driven, caring profession, and as significant contributors to health (Example: Communication with media about complementary therapies or nursing)
- Times you used media use to speak about complementary therapies or other emerging issues that impact on nurses, the nursing profession, health, and health care (Example: Media interviews (via radio, television and/or print) and letters to the editor)
- Times you influenced healthy public policy to positively impact the determinants of health or to strengthen the health care system (Example: Political activity (e.g. action alerts, letter responses, visits to MPPs, upcoming/scheduled meeting with an MPP - please identify the names of MPPs)
- Anything else you would like to share (Example: Courses, programs you took to strengthen your knowledge about complementary therapies or holistic/integrative health care which would impact the care you provide to patients/community)
Kindly send your responses to We look forward to hearing from you by Monday October 26th.
With warmth,
CTNIG Executive