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Early bird extended; AGM "save the date"; and equal pay for equal work Survey

Posted on June 9, 2024, 10:25 p.m.

Hello all,


Early bird pricing for the biennial conference taking place Oct. 25 & 26 has been extended for members only until Sunday, June 30. 

Early bird member pricing is $339, and the discount code is TILDA 2024 

Effective July 1, the full member pricing of $389 will be in place.

See attached files for the agenda for both days. Three more concurrent sessions will be announced over the summer.

You will also find attached a file to share the conference details with colleagues/networks.

Registration link:


SAVE THE DATE! Our 2024 Annual General Meeting will be on Saturday, June 22 at 9 a.m. Sign-up details will be provided later this week along with the agenda. This will be in person in conjunction with the RNAO AGM. Our AGM will take place in the same hotel.

Equal Pay for Equal Work

A message from the Association of Family Health Team's (AFHTO) IHP Committee:

All IHPs working in team based primary care in Ontario have not received a wage increase in three years; most of us have not received even a cost of living adjustment. To help strength our advocacy voice, we are  launching a IHP Advocacy Survey that is based on the validated questionnaires that the FHT and CHC RDs used and published in 2012, 2016 and 2023 (publication in press). Using this newly-mined data will give strong numbers and data  to use with the MOH, OH, OHTs and other stakeholders. The survey will be launched for only three weeks as we want the data as soon as possible to use in our advocacy work.

There are thousands of IHPs working in team based primary care – please take five minutes to complete the survey and send this invite to your fellow IHPs. In 2017 we received $235 million for compensation by working together and raising our voices to demand what we are due. It is time to stand up once more.  

We will provide a briefing note on the survey results by the end of July and prepare advocacy materials for a strong start to a fall advocacy campaign.  

June 3 is the launch, and the survey will close June 28. On behalf of the thousands of IHPs who deserve equal pay for equal work - thank you for both doing the survey and sharing it with your colleagues.

Access the survey via this link:

File attachment(s)