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PCNO members! Complete your CFPNA membership subscription

Posted on March 12, 2024, 9:42 p.m.

Attention PCNO members, 

Did you know that as an annual PCNO subscribed member, you also have a 23/24 membership with the Canadian Family Practice Nursing Association (CFPNA) as part of your PCNO membership fees?

Please complete your CFPNA subscription. Only those PCNO nurses who are fully-subscribed CFPNA  members can access CFPNA members-only web content. pages. And, CFNPA members are also eligible to participate in the Team Primary Care Nurse Post-Licensure Educational Program

To subscribe, visit the CFPNA registration page and follow the steps below!

1) Select the option "Provincial Partnership Membership" by clicking the "Buy Now" button.

2) Select "Sign Up".

3) Complete the no-cost payment section.