CTNIG Call for Newsletter Submissions

Posted on May 13, 2019, 5:41 p.m.

The RNAO-CTNIG Mind Body Spirit -The Whole News is YOUR newsletter.
Your contribution to it is greatly appreciated. 

This means nursing students too!

Do you have a story to tell related to CT or holistic nursing/integrative health care?
Would you like to highlight a CT that you practice?
Do you know of a CT related event coming up that you would like to share with our members?
Have you participated in any CT related event?
Is there a particular self care tip that you have found useful?
Is there a picture or poem or humour that makes you feel good or something artistic you have created?
Is there CT research that you find relevant?

Don’t be shy, we want your input.... send along any of these to publish in the spring newsletter.

Submissions due May 24, 2019