Opportunity for members to submit or suggest topics for the CTNIG newsletter - spring issue
by Sunday, March 10, 2024
We value our members and like to offer ways for you to engage in various CTNIG activities. Suggesting or providing content for the newsletter is an opportunity for you to do so.
We look to our members (RNs and nursing students) to contribute to the CTNIG newsletter – it helps to keep the content current and reflective of our members' interests and experiences.
Wondering how you can contribute?
1. Let us know what content you are interested in seeing in the newsletter for the spring issue and future issues as well (more of, less of, different, just right).
2. Select something you would like to submit to the newsletter. It's a pretty varied list and not limited to...
- an explanation or experiences of any complementary therapies (CT)/holistic health care/spiritual practices you use in your nursing practice or personally (approximately 500 - 1200 words)
- personal/professional experiences with nurses' stress and wellbeing, and workplace health and safety
- any current research articles on CT/holistic health care/integrative medicine
- any current research articles on nurses' stress and wellbeing/workplace health and safety
- self-care practices/tips
- education opportunities related to CT/holistic health care/spiritual practices (conferences, classes)
- inspirational quotes/stories/images
- book recommendations related to CT/holistic health care/spiritual practices
- nursing humour
- healthy recipes
- student nurse experiences with CT/holistic health care/spiritual practices/self-care practices
- conferences or any CT-related activities you have participated in (health fairs, presentations, workplace)
If you are interested in submitting, have any questions/suggestions, or need some assistance/direction in writing please contact:
Darka Neill, RNAO-CTNIG consulting editor
We look forward to hearing from you.
Your RNAO-CTNIG editorial team
Sandra Milley
Darka Neill
Elaine Pipher