Newsletter survey - your chance to give us feedback

Posted on May 2, 2022, 8:22 p.m.

Dear CTNIG members,

Currently the editorial team and executive have provided much of the content and determined the length and format of our newsletter Mind Body Spirit -The Whole News.  Although this has evolved organically, we would like to know if we should proceed as it stands or make some changes.

The CTNIG editorial team is requesting some feedback from you to determine if our newsletter Mind Body Spirit - The Whole News needs some revamping for content, length and format. You can access our brief questionnaire to provide us with feedback through the link at the end of this email. 

Of course, the richness and flavour of our newsletter would be enhanced by having more of our members contribute to the content rather than just editorial team and the executive.

Please take a few moments to fill in our questionnaire to guide us in deciding whether we should make any changes or keep the newsletter as it currently is.

Warmest regards,

RNAO-CTNIG editorial team: Sandra Milley, executive editor and Darka Neill, consulting editor


Link to the survey: