Dear Complementary Therapies Nurses Interest Group Member,
I think you will agree that in 2020, we were all witness to a year of tremendous change. We had to adapt and respond to many unforeseen challenges and unexpected opportunities.
As the year end nears, we are grateful for our CTNIG community and for our holistic and integrative practices. Thank you for supporting one another and for your heart-centered nursing care.
Wishing happy holidays to you and your loved ones,
From the CTNIG Leadership Team
The CTNIG Fall/Winter newsletter is now available!
In this issue you will find:
- A Few Words from the President
- Who to Contact
- Gratitude Meditation
- Self Care Tips
- Self Care Resources
- What's New
- How Meditation Found Me
- Student Corner
- Mindfulness of Cortisol
- Making Sense of Scientific Journals
- Research
- Kale Chips
- Lighter Side
Read the newsletter now: http://www.rnao-ctnig.org/
CTNIG is officially a voting Provincial Interest Group!
The RNAO Board of Directors approved CTNIG’s request for provincial interest group status. CTNIG looks forward to continuing to represent RNAO in speaking out for nursing and speaking out for health!