Dear CTNIG members,
A heartfelt thank you to all our members as we celebrate National Nursing Week. This year’s Nursing week theme is Nurses: A Voice to Lead — Nursing the World to Health.
Our members are working in every sector of the health care system, and the COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on the importance of complementary, integrative, and holistic nursing. CTNIG would like to acknowledge the invaluable contributions that each of our members makes, as we continue to hold and be held by each other during this uncertain time.
Happy Nursing Week 2020!
On Behalf of the CTNIG Executive,
Jacquie Dover, President
Kim M. Watson, Past President
Kareena St. Hilaire, Communication ENO
Lisa Johns, Education ENO
Katrina Graham, Research ENO
Farnaz Michalski, Policy & Political Action ENO
Fatima Yusuf, Membership ENO
Sandra Milley, Social Media ENO
Erina Park, Student Liaison ENO
Visit www.rnao-ctnig.org