Speaking out for Advocacy at PedNIG's AGM!

Posted on March 21, 2019, 9:43 p.m.

Hello PedNIG members, 

Children and youth comprise the most vulnerable population in Ontario.  As pediatric nurses, we are called to action to advocate for our patients.  We know that comprehensive and compassionate care is essential for a better future for the health of this province and we must start with advocacy, education, and adequate resources to support this population and its unique needs.  PedNIG has submitted a resolution to the RNAO about maintaining the work of the Ontario Child Advocate.  Under the current government, the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth is being closed and their work is being deferred to the Provincial Ombudsman, where the interests of children and youth will likely be lost in the mix. 

PedNIG will be hosting our Annual General Meeting in conjunction with the RNAO AGM on April 13th starting at 0800.  At our AGM, in addition to sharing the business of the interest group, we are honoured to be hosting Elsbeth Dodman who will share more about her work with the Ontario Child Advocate. 

Click here to register!


Learn more about our guest speaker….

Elsbeth Dodman is a 30 year old Autistic woman who has worked with the Ontario Child Advocate’s office on their We Have Something to Say project for youth with disabilities in Ontario. Elsbeth has a B.A from the University of Toronto and Sheridan College and a post grad certificate in Autism Behavioral Sciences. Elsbeth lives at home in London Ontario with her parents and two cats. 


We look forward to seeing there, 

PedNIG Executive

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Resolution Document (209.31 KB)