PedNIG About

Cost of interest group: $35; $17.50 for undergraduate nursing students


Our Mission
PedNIG strives to strengthen the profession of Nursing in Ontario by supporting and representing action on behalf of pediatric nurses with respect to pediatric nursing and pediatric health care in collaboration with the board of directors of the RNAO.

Our Goals

  • to advocate for the health care needs of children and their families.
  • to enhance pediatric nursing in Ontario through promotion of research-based nursing practice.
  • to support pediatric nursing in Ontario to address issues important to the advancement of pediatric nursing.
  • to assist the RNAO in its quest to represent the nursing profession to government, other health care providers and the public.
  • to provide continuing education and information about professional development resources to pediatric nurses in Ontario.

Why Join?

  • PedNIG developed a new website in order to enhance communication to its membership.
  • Members now have access to an active blog that features content for PedNIG executive and members
  • Education scholarships and bursaries are awarded through PedNIG as well as through the Registered Nurses Foundation of Ontario (RNFOO)
  • PedNIG hosts a well attended Pediatric Nursing Conference on a biennial basis.
  • The Interest Group dedicates itself to provide specialized education opportunities for members


2023-2024 Executive:
President Kristin Gallant 
President Elect Adam Waldeva
Past President Kierstin Kinlin 
Finance Officer Vacant
Communication Officer

Samirah Hussain

Social Media Officer Arden Pasion
Education Officer

Stephanie Machado 

Symposium Co-Chairs


Policy & Political Action Officers

Amy Bursey

Jordan Shantz 

Membership Officers Vacant
Professional Practice Officer Sarah Gallie 
New Grad Liaison Angelica Acut
Student Liaison Stephanie Hrynkiw


Last updated: March 5. 2020