Giving back to PedNIG members through our bursaries!

Posted on Feb. 21, 2019, 9:29 p.m.

As we open up our applications for the 2019 bursaries, we want to share some stories from our 2018 recipients. PedNIG’s bursaries help nurses and students achieve their ongoing education goals to better outcomes for the children and families we care for as pediatric nurses. 


“As a recipient of the PedNIG Nursing Conference and Workshop Bursary, I was able to attend the PedNIG Annual Symposium on November 16, 2018. The symposium brought together nursing leaders, pediatric nurses and nursing students from across Ontario. It was a great opportunity to share and learn about creative, innovative and quality improvement initiatives by individuals who are passionate about pediatric health.  There was a thoughtful emphasis on the role and impact of technology on our nursing care. How has technology changed the way we connect with our patients? Has technology truly made our patients safer? Will technology ever replace our roles as nurses? These were some of the questions I began asking myself throughout the day. The final session was a thought provoking discussion between attendees and a chosen panel of speakers. From the closing remarks, it was clear that technology has already changed the way we deliver care to our patients, across all health care settings. We cannot shy away from our responsibility to understand and master the technology that is being integrated into our every day practices. Technological mastery has already become our responsibility and a demonstration of our care –whether we were ready or not.” 

— Patricia Lara, Nursing Conference & Workshop Bursary Recipient


Receiving the PedNIG bursary enabled me to maintain my part-time status at work so that I could focus more time and energy on my MN studies.  Specifically, I was able to invest additional hours into my final practicum project, which focused on the development of an audit and feedback strategy to support the implementation of a pediatric needle pain reduction initiative.  The additional time I invested in my project allowed me to perform a larger literature review and liaise with more stakeholders, which strengthened the evidence-based guidelines and tools I developed as part of my project.  As a result, the organization where I completed my practicum may use my project to facilitate the hospital-wide implementation of the needle pain reduction initiative.”

— Ashley Harvey, Nursing Education Bursary (Masters) Recipient


“I am grateful to the PedNIG community for their support of PhD studies and research. My clinical and research interests lie in the area of childhood trauma and adversity. Developmental adversity can, depending on the nature, pattern, and timing of experience disrupt neurodevelopment and present as sensory, self-regulatory, relational, and cognitive impairments. Children, youth, and adults, with early life, chronic or severe adversity often require intensive intervention on multiple domains.  We are also aware of the protective nature of relational health (both the quantity and quality of positive relationships) to buffer the traumatic effects of adversity on neurodevelopment. The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT; developed by the Child Trauma Academy) is an approach to clinical problem solving that integrates core concepts of neurodevelopment to ameliorate dysfunction in a variety of domains. I am honoured to be collaborating with the Child Trauma Academy in some of their important work, evaluating the effectiveness of NMT. In particular, I have been assisting with research design and data collection set up for study examining the implementation and outcomes of the integration of NMT in an outpatient program in Missouri in their delivery of services to children in foster-to-adopt or adoptive placements. Childhood adversity has significant consequences on individual, community, and societal outcomes, and I intend to commit my long-term clinical and research pursuits to this field.” 

— Yehudis Stokes, Nursing Education Bursary (PhD) Recipient


Apply today for our 2019 Bursaries by visiting our website under the BURSARIES tab. Applications will be accepted until March 8, 2019 at 4pm (unless otherwise mentioned).

Good Luck to all our applicants!


PedNIG Executive