Executive update

Posted on Sept. 5, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

Dear member,

We hope you are doing well and enjoyed your summer.

The executive team for the RNAO Nipissing chapter is as follows:

president: Kathryn Ewers 
vice-president: Tammie McParland
social media executive network officer (ENO): Erin Brophy
finance ENOs: Kathryn Ewers and Kayla King
membership ENO: Vacant
policy & political action ENO: Colleen Scanlan
student liaisons: Christopher Regele, Mackenzie Senior, Megan McNalty, and Bradley Manuel
workplace liaison: Nazneen Mehdi 
communications ENO: Erin Brophy
ad hoc: Cathy Menzies-Boule (secretary)
region 11 board representative: Jennifer Flood

If you are interested in joining the executive, please contact Kathryn Ewers at kewers@bell.net.

We look forward to the year ahead and to seeing you at our meetings/events. Stay tuned for details. 

Thank you.

Nipissing executive