Susan (she/her) started her career as a Diploma Nurse in community nursing. There, she developed her passion for client and family centred care, patient advocacy and health equity. Since then, Susan has successfully transitioned into leadership roles, became a Certified Rehabilitation Nurse (CNA), gained a Certificate in Continuing Complex Care and in 2020 completed her BScN.
In 2023, Susan attended RNAO's 98th AGM as a Consultation Rep and was disappointed to see the Niagara Chapter Executive was empty. Since then, she has pledged to rebuild and refresh the Chapter, as their newest President. Currently, Susan works at the Health & Wellness Centre at a local college and enjoys engaging with students in health promotion, protection and prevention.
Jennifer is a Practical Nursing student at Niagara College in her second year and plans to be completed in October 2024. Her past clinical placements included long-term care and complex care nursing where she provided care for many patients. When Jennifer is not in her studies or taking care of patients she enjoys the outdoors and yoga. She uses her passion for sports by keeping herself healthy and strong. Jennifer is happily married and is a Mom of 4 wonderful children. Jennifer has future plans to participate in Community Health Nursing and to help bring healthcare to the vulnerable population in the Niagara Region.
Vacant position(s)
Niagara Chapter is currently looking for volunteers for the following roles:
- Finance ENO
- Membership ENO
- Workplace Liaison ENO
- Social Media ENO
- Policy and Political Action ENO
If you or someone you know is interested, please contact us.