Call For Nominations - Deadline Extended To 4pm Friday, July 20th

Posted on July 6, 2018, 8:58 a.m.


The Pediatric Nurses Interest Group (PedNIG) Executive is seeking committed and passionate individual to join the PedNIG Executive for the coming term.  We are hoping to continue to have a strong and thriving executive with nurses who are passionate about child health and well-being and advancing the image pediatric nursing in Ontario.

The call for nominations is for the President Elect it's part of a three-year term beginning September 2018 at our executive meeting to be held in Toronto. 

This role will include:

  • This role is filled annually holding the position for one year as part of a 3 year term; with transition into President and then Past President
  • Mentored by the President to acclaim the role
  • Responsible for organizing RNFOO scholarships and a sub-committee of the executive to judge and award the PedNIG bursaries
  • Shall represent the Interest Group as the Consultation Representative at the Annual RNAO AGM

Please submit your CV and a letter of intent including how your experiences will be an asset to your role within the executive and the PedNIG Executive over all.  Nominations will be accepted by the PedNIG Executive via email at until no later than 4pm July 20, 2018

Thank you!

PedNIG Executive