About DNIG

Cost of interest group: Free for RNs and students for current membership year
Website: https://www.dnig.ca/

Membership in the Diabetes Nursing Interest Group (DNIG) is open to all registered nurses and nursing students interested in the area of diabetes education and care. DNIG provides a forum for the discussion of issues within the diabetes care nursing community; contributes a nursing voice on diabetes-related practice, education, and research issues; advocates/lobbies at the provincial level on diabetes care (professional nursing issues, as well as quality of care concerns from consumer perspective); supports continuing nursing education relevant to diabetes education and care, and strives to establish a network for information sharing and collaboration within diabetes nursing and with other health care professionals.

The DNIG newsletter is produced two to three times a year to link members and share information about the group, to provide information on diabetes education and care, and to discuss issues and concerns in the area of diabetes nursing. Workshops and conferences are offered periodically to provide both education and support through networking.

Chair: Shannon Dugas DNIGchair@gmail.com


2024-25 DNIG Executive

Chair - Shannon Dugas

Finance ENO - Morgan Lincoln

Policy and Political Action Network (PPAN) ENO - Zare Mae Manantan-Prado

Membership ENO - Andrew Schembri

Social Media ENO - Rylan Copeman

Communications ENO - Lindsay MacLennan

Student - Alyssa Fabiano

Members at large: Lisa Herlehy (Past Chair)