Update and Upcoming Events

Posted on Oct. 23, 2020, 6:03 a.m.

Hello Algoma RNAO Members and Nursing Colleagues,

Happy Fall! We are thankful to have so many inspiring and compassionate NPs, RNs, and Nursing Students in Algoma!

New Executive Update

As RNAO Algoma gets back into action, I wanted to share with you some updates to our executive team and efforts moving forward. We are excited to welcome some new NPs, RNs, and nursing students to our executive team. The 2020-2022 Algoma Executive includes:

President: Karen Belanger

Financial ENO: Lorena Bressan

Policy and Political Action ENO: Adrienne Kappes

BScN Liaison: Jessica Dugas

BPSO Liaison: Lyndsay Suurna

Communications ENO: Olivia Babic

Social Media ENO: J’aime-Rose Ferriss

Region 11 Representative, Board of Directors: Liliana Bressan

RNAO Algoma currently has three outstanding positions: Workplace Liaison, Membership Liaison, and Student Liaison. If you are interested joining our team, take a look at the Leadership Manual attached and get in touch with Liliana (lil.bressan@gmail.com) before November 6th, 2020.   

Upcoming Events (November 2020)

Our executive has planned virtual events for the remainder of 2020 and will keep you updated on registration details. To know what’s happening at RNAO and in Algoma, follow our Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/RNAOAlgoma). 

Upcoming Events:

  • Friday, November 13th, 2020 at 1:00-3:00pm (Zoom): Student Success Series & Fall Tour with RNAO’s CEO Doris Grinspun
  • Wednesday, November 25th, 2020 at 7:30-8:30pm (Zoom): Algoma Nurses Get Active! with Dr. Anthony Martin and Lisa Maidra

Registration details for both events will be sent in the coming weeks.

Finally, as you know, our exciting Nurses’ Week 2020 Dinner and Entertainment Night (“Nurses’ Night”) was postponed due to Covid-19, and we have postponed the event once again to May 14th, 2021.

To stay updated on this event, join our Facebook Event Page (https://www.facebook.com/events/573732703472028/).

Thank you for your continued support for RNAO.

Stay well. Stay healthy. Stay positive.



Liliana Bressan
Algoma Chapter Past-President & Region 11 Representative, Board of Directors