Children's Healthcare Canada Virtual Annual Conference

Posted on Oct. 4, 2020, 11:59 a.m.

Dear member, 

Please see the following message from Children's Healthcare Canada regarding their upcoming virtual conference: 

Children's Healthcare Canada is hosting our (virtual) annual conference, Building Bridges: On the road to healthcare equity, from Nov 16-20. Please register online:

As well as a pre-conference workshop, we are offering Leading in a Crisis, a virtual accredited leadership course. NOTE: this course is open to physicians and other clinicians. See details below. 

Leading in a Crisis

Accredited by the RCPSC and CFPC

This virtual session, open to physicians and non-physicians, will explore the challenges of leading a team during times of crisis. Participants will develop the skills to analyze crisis dynamics and manage uncertainty. Through self-reflection exercises, instructor-led presentations, dyad and group discussions, participants will build the skills necessary to increase confidence, resiliency and grit, and lead and engage their team during crises.

At the end of this PLI course, you will be able to:

  • discover and practice techniques to help recognize your personal and teams’ emotions during uncertain times
  • practice the skills to manage different kinds of conflict in a team
  • cultivate courage and improve the ability to overcome a fear of failure
  • recognize how identifying and working from strengths as well as investing in others’ strengths significantly enhances leadership effectiveness, satisfaction and resilience
  • practice practical confidence boosting habits


  • Mamta Gautam, MD, MBA, FRCPC, CCPE
  • Monica Olsen, BScN, BA, MHRD

Course date: Monday, Nov. 16, 2020 | 1-4 p.m. (ET) | Zoom platform

Maximum number of participants: 30

*This course is a pre-conference offering to the Children's Healthcare Canada 2020 Annual Conference and is not included in the “All Access Pass Standard Conference Registration”. A separate registration is needed to join.