Kids in Crisis Town Hall: Children's Health Coalition Event

Posted on Sept. 16, 2020, 12:52 p.m.

Please see the following regarding the event being hosted by the Children's Health Coalition, in association with Children's Mental Health Ontario, on Thursday September 17th at 7 p.m. EST

"Ontario children are victims of a health care crisis that the COVID-19 pandemic is only making worse. For some, it’s a matter of life and death. Parents across the country are already witnessing the repercussions of the pandemic on our children’s mental health, development and physical wellbeing. Ontario’s leading children’s healthcare providers are warning the Ontario government that a generation of lives is at stake if we don’t act now.

The coalition is calling on the Ontario government to immediately make substantive investments in children's health care to alleviate the suffering of more than 160,000 children and families who are desperately waiting for mental health treatment, hospital surgeries and procedures, child development and rehabilitation services, and pediatric home care services."

This event is open to anyone who is interested in attending. For more information, please visit the event site here

- PedNIG Executive