Second call for nominations: PedNIG BOD 2020 positions

Posted on July 21, 2020, 2:18 p.m.

Dear member,

Nominations are being accepted for the positions below for a two-year term, unless otherwise noted.

Note: at the termination of the two-year term, you are eligible to stand for a second term of two years.

  • finance executive network officer (two-year term)
  • policy and political action executive network officer (two-year term)

If nominees have questions, please send an email to Please use the subject line: PedNIG 2nd call for nominations.  

Candidates must be members in good standing of RNAO and PedNIG and agree to serve for a two-year term if elected.

Go to to find out what each role entails.

To apply please go to

Call for nominations will close on Monday, Aug. 3, 2020.