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RNFA Resolution Consultation

Posted on Feb. 1, 2019, 12:16 p.m.


Hello RNAO-RNFA Members,

I hope that you are all surviving the wintry weather we have all been experiencing lately. It is so cold! I can’t wait for spring. 

I wanted to let you know about a resolution that I have submitted to RNAO to be brought forward at the RNAO Annual General Meeting on April 13, 2019. It has come to my attention, in talking to several members and some surgeons in the province, that the RNFA role is needed in hospitals that have never received funding for this role. The MOHLTC currently funds positions in hospitals that were granted funding in 2007, 2008 and 2012. Since that time, no new positions have been funded. The resolution that I am putting forward is asking RNAO to actively lobby the provincial government for funding for new RNFA positions in Ontario when and where the need arises.

RNAO has asked me to consult with the RNFA Interest Group members to confirm your support for this resolution.  Please follow this link to read a copy of the draft resolution and indicate whether you agree or disagree with the resolution. Please do this before February 7th, 2019 as this is when the survey closes. 

I appreciate your assistance with this part of the process. 

Also, please consider attending the RNAO AGM on April 13, 2019 to show your support for this resolution. I am hoping to have an RNFA Interest Group Meeting at the AGM as well. More info about this to follow. 

Thanks in advance,

Jane Radey RN, RNFA, CPN(C)
RNAO – RNFA Interest Group Chair