Welcome Members!
Attached you will find our Spring /Newsletter for this year!
Enjoy RetNIG Reads, and our Recipe which although simple is tasty!
The executive looks forward to a planning meeting and finding zoom topics for the 2024-25 year! If you have any suggestions please send them to retnig21.rnao@gmail.com or any comments on our Newsletter !
We will have a hybrid Zumba Gold session preceded by a short AGM . Breakfast will be provided for the in person registrants. We will be cohosting with the Staff Nurse Interest Group.
Saturday June 22 at 8:30am Wear your comfy clothes!
Shaima Rezatada will be the Zumba instructor. Register here: https://myrnao.ca/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=1636
Have a safe and Healthy summer! See you all in the fall
RetNig Executive