Retired Nurses' Interest Group: our fall newsletter and an upcoming webinar!

Posted on Sept. 11, 2023, 10:10 a.m.
Moving! How to deal with Downsizing

Welcome to new and returning members of RetNig! Attached please see our fall newsletter. We're also writing to give you notice of our upcoming webinar: 

Moving! How to Deal with Downsizing - a RetNig webinar

  • Date and time: Monday, Sept. 25 at 7 p.m. via Zoom
  • Presenter: Sharon Crann
  • Description: Anyone who is thinking of moving knows the problem with downsizing, Our chair knows this, as she downsized from a five-bedroom house to a two-bedroom apartment. There is so much stuff and do you really need it all? Maybe you are just thinking of decluttering what you have? Whatever the reason, we hope to see you there!

Here is the link to register for the webinar: 


Our newsletter is in a different format this year, as we introduce RetNIG reads and RetNIG recipes. 

Let us know what you think. Give us feedback at

We are also looking for a Communications ENO. Let us know if you are interested! 

As we get into the routine of fall we wish you all a happy fall season!

The RetNIG executive

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