Dear member,
Do you enjoy speaking out for nurses, health and health care? Would you like to assist us in our mission to promote the awareness on the careers of registered nurses and nurse practitioners, who has retired or who is considering retirement? This includes mentoring and supporting nurses at all stages of their careers, education and political action.
We welcome members to join the Retired Nurses Interest Group (RetNIG) Executive.
Call for nominations are now being accepted for the positions below for a two-year office unless otherwise stated. (Note: at the termination of the two-year term, you are eligible to stand for a second term of two years).
- CHAIR (2-year term)
- Finance ENO (2-year term)
- Membership ENO (2-year term)
- Communications ENO (2-year term)
Candidates must be members in good standing of RNAO and RetNIG and agree to serving for a two year term if elected.
Click here to download the position descriptions.
Please submit nominations using the online form below:
Nominations close on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 12 p.m. EST.
RetNIG Executive