Attention PedNIG Student Members!

Posted on Sept. 9, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

Attention nursing students!! 

We have now added two concurrent sessions to our symposium.  These concurrent sessions will mainly be for 3rd and 4th year nursing students. Register now so you can hear about the current state of paediatric nursing from our extraordinary nursing leaders, network with paediatric nurses of all levels from across the nation, and also attend both plenary and concurrent sessions that will spark your interests. With only 50 spots available for the student sessions, make sure you sign up immediately so you don't regret waiting!

Please note: the sessions offered for students at The Paediatric Update Symposium on November 16th  will replace our annual Toronto student workshop. We will however hold another student workshop in Hamilton in February/March, so be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!


PedNIG Education Team and Symposium Planning Committee