Deadline July 31, 2018 ► Elected for 2 Years, Maximum 2 Terms... read Volunteer Guidelines
Do you enjoy speaking out for nurses, health and health care?
We are looking for members to join the RNAO Independent Practice Nursing Interest Group Executive.
This year 2018 we need to transition the IPNIG executive to meet RNAO new Interest Group regulatory guidelines (February 23, 2018).
The RNAO Independent Practice Nursing Interest Group requires nominees for the following positions
► 2 year term, 2018-2020 starting immediately for the positions,
- Policy and Political Action Executive Network Officer
- Student Liaison Executive Network Officer
- Social Media Executive Network Officer
- Workplace Liaison Executive Network Officer
►The following year, 2019 for a 1 year term for the positions,
- President /Chairperson
- Communications Executive Network Officer
- Finance Executive Network Officer
- Membership Executive Network Officer
Candidates must be members in good standing of the RNAO Independent Practice Nursing Interest Group and agree to serve for a two-year term, if elected.
To indicate your interest, make enquiries and request a nomination form, please complete our Volunteer Form.
When you have received and completed your nomination form, and attached a brief statement outlining your interest in the position (max 250 words), email your completed form to IPNIG at admin@ipnig.ca by July 31, 2018 midnight.
Carrie Edwards, RNAO, will be copied on your completed nomination form.
~ IPNIG Executive ~