North East Gerontological Nursing Association (GNAO) Educational Event & Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Posted on Sept. 11, 2018, 11:39 a.m.


The North East Gerontological Nursing Association (GNAO) is pleased to announce their upcoming educational event and Annual General Meeting (AGM). GNAO members and non-members welcome!
Date: Tuesday, September 25th
Time: 1200-1300

Topic: The Use of Personhood Tools to Improve Person-Centered Care Delivery Across Sectors

Speakers: Sharon Osvald & Katelynn Viau (from the Behavioural Supports Ontario [BSO] Provincial Coordinating Office)

1) In person at Pioneer Manor, Sudbury (960 Notre Dame Avenue, Sudbury, ON)  
2) Via OTN (Please connect your local site to Site #0214, System #2)

** Lunch provided for those attending in person.

If you plan to join this event (in person or via webinar), please RSVP by September 15th by completing the following survey:

Please see attached poster for further details.  

Following the educational event, we will move into a short AGM. The AGM will include elections for vacancies in the North East GNAO executive.
We encourage GNAO members across the North East to consider joining the executive! The executive typically meets every 2 months and participation in executive meetings occurs via teleconference (so distance is not a factor!).  Executive positions are 2 year commitments. Attached you will find another document that outlines the vacant positions and the nomination process.  
Nominations open today and remain open until the AGM on September 25th.
We look forward to your participation in the upcoming GNAO event!  We encourage you to send this email on to your networks.

Kind regards,
Debbie Hewitt Colborne
(NE GNAO membership co-chair)