DNIG Update

Posted on Sept. 10, 2018, 11 p.m.

Hello to DNIG members

Welcome to September, time to settle back into our routines and move more to our indoor activities!  

Things to look forward to this fall include another newsletter, an education session sponsored by DNIG perhaps in a city near you, our annual AGM and networking opportunities for all our members. 

There is another Diabetes Canada Guidelines up for grabs.  All  you have to do is send an email to dnig.info@gmail.com and tell us how you will be using it to be entered into a draw for this $50 value guideline (when you include shipping).

It seems a few did not receive the last newsletter.  If you receive this email but not the newsletter or you know another DNIG member who is not receiving emails or newsletter please email dnig.info@gmail.com so we can ensure that no one is left off the list. 

As always we invite members to contact us if there are any questions/concerns.  In addition we are always looking for interesting stories for the newsletter.

Thanks to all our Diabetes Nursing Interest Group members out there for your ongoing passion and commitment to the delivery of excellent diabetes care in Ontario.

Your DNIG executive