Unique opportunity for Diabetes Research Participation

Posted on Aug. 27, 2018, 8:13 a.m.

One of our members is conducting research!  Full details are attached.

Your input & experiences are needed for a Type 1 Diabetes Research Study The aims of this study are to better understand the type 1 diabetes health needs of youth, as well as the impact on families of T1D therapy expenses and Ontario’s Assistive Devices Program for insulin pump therapy. This study has received ethics approval from the Health Sciences Research Ethics Board at the University of Toronto.

If you are a diabetes nurse educator (Registered Nurse, Clinical Nurse Specialist or Nurse Practitioner) at a paediatric diabetes education program, you may be eligible to participate in this research. If you are interested in taking part in a short telephone or in-person interview (about 30 minutes) to share your perspective on this topic, please contact PhD student Sanja Visekruna at the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto at sanja.visekruna@mail.utoronto.ca for more information and to schedule an interview. You can receive a $5 Indigo gift card as a token of appreciation for your time and effort.

Type 1 Diabetes Health Needs Study© Copyright by Sanja Visekruna nja Visekruna 2018