Join us for a panel discussion on cannabis in our community

Posted on March 21, 2019, 7:18 p.m.
Cannabis in Our Community. A Panel Discussion

Dear member,

You are invited to our cannabis panel discussion on May 5, 2019 at 1 p.m. at the RA Centre (2451 Riverside Dr. in Ottawa, Ont.). 

Cannabis was legalized in Canada last year and can now be used both recreationally and medicinally. The legalization of cannabis has many health impacts, has affected government policy, and changed legal implications.

As nurses, we think it is important to keep the public informed on this timely health topic. The panelists will include professionals from the areas of primary health care, government, public health and acute care psychiatry. Booths will be set up by other community groups engaged in cannabis such as Ottawa police, several youth organizations, and palliative care centers. The intent of this discussion is to look at cannabis from many different viewpoints, with a focus on cannabis and health.

Register now at

All health-care providers and public are welcome to attend! Bring your families, friends and neighbours!