RNAO Region 10 Members Meeting

Posted on June 15, 2021, 4:16 p.m.

Hello Region 10 Members,

We would like to remind you about our upcoming membership meeting on Thursday, June 17th from 1830 - 2100hrs.

In preparation for RNAO's Annual General Meeting scheduled for June 24 - 26th, we will be hosting a discussion on the proposed resolutions put forward by the collective membership. This session is an opportunity for you as a member to voice your questions and concerns prior to the AGM. 

This year there are 17 resolutions. Please take some time to review them prior to the session. 2021 Resolutions: Find Here

Please pre-register with the link below. Our meetings have a limit of 100 attendees. We encourage current members to invite non-members as we are always looking to expand our chapter.



Meeting Details:

June 17th, 2021

18:30 - 21:00

Virtual - via Zoom


We are always interested in exploring new opportunities and welcome members to share suggestions for future events. Feel free to contact us with your ideas at rnao.ottawa@gmail.com


Kind regards,

Stephanie McLarty

Region 10 - Communications


Be sure to follow us on social media:

Facebook: RNAO Region 10 Ottawa

Instagram: @rnao_region_10_ottawa

Twitter: @RNAO_Ottawa


Please do not reply to this email. Contact the chapter executive using the following link: Contact Region 10 - Ottawa.