Happy Holidays - A Message from the RNAO Algoma President

Posted on Dec. 11, 2019, 3:02 p.m.
Happy Holidays - A Message from RNAO Algoma

Hello RNAO Member,

On behalf of the Algoma Chapter Executive, I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Holidays and all the best for 2020! 

The Algoma Chapter had an eventful 2019, including (a) the re-launch of our Facebook page and social media presence, (b) the recruitment of a new Executive Team and Board of Directors Representative, (c) a visit from RNAO’s President, Angela Cooper-Brathwaite, to tour various healthcare facilities and meet with nurses in Algoma, (d) the first Annual Fall Tour Cafe Night with guest speakers on LAP/PLP and Cannabis, and (e) an increase in membership. 

We have already begun planning for 2020 and look forward to connecting and engaging with you to celebrate the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, as declared by the World Health Organization for 2020. Many updates and events will be coming your way, including a very exciting RNAO AGM in June! Stay tuned! 

As the year comes to a close, we would like to thank you for your continued support for RNAO. May we continue to collectively speak out for nursing and health in Ontario to create a healthier future for our communities. Cheers to peace, joy, and health for all in the New Year! 

Warm wishes, 

Liliana Bressan, Region 11 Board of Directors Representative and Algoma Chapter President